January 28, 2011

Great day, great food

X-man and I had a wonderful day today. We spent time together at the library where we read a few books, played, got me some books and I paid my $20 fine. I know! How do you get a $20 fine at the library? That's what happens when you take out 15 books at a time and don't return them on time!
Lunch was very yummy. Omelette with goat cheese and red pepper and pita bread.
Then the baby took a 2.5 hour nap next to me in bed which allowed me to start and finish the book, In Search of Sleep by Bonny Reichert. It talks about different sleep solutions for babies and toddlers with lots of quotes from fellow mothers, including the author who is one and also used to work at a parenting magazine. I felt really good after reading the book, and it helped me re-affirm my decision that the cry it out method is not for me. Co-sleeping feels right and is what I want to do. It's natural and most cultures actually do it. It's here in North America where mothers are made to feel like it's not right. As I was reading, I got a feeling of "Yes, this is what I want. This is how I want to do things for now." When I am ready, or should the baby show signs of readiness, I will transition him. I will still try to see if he'll stay in his crib, but I will not force it. That is that.
Feeling good led to wanting to cook. Imagine that! With all the vegetables we have I decided to make a chicken stir fry.


- 2 chicken breast, cut into pieces
- 2 huge carrots, sliced
- 2 zuchinnis, sliced
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 5 cloves of garlic, chopped
- 1 bok choy, chopped
- 2 packets of udon noodles
- teriyaki sauce, as much as you want

Place noodles in boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes. Drain. Set aside.
Heat up oil in wok (or whatever you will be using). Once ready, throw in garlic and onion. Add chicken. When chicken is ready, throw in vegetables. Pour teriyaki sauce on top and mix well. Add noodles when vegetables are how you like them, be it more al dente or more well done.
Plate, serve with chopsticks and enjoy! 

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