January 20, 2011

Day after grandma's departure

Today is the first day we've been without my grandma knowing that she isn't just spending a few nights at my parents' house and the first day my husband went to work before I could get him to watch the baby while I shower. So, I did what most mum's do and brought a bouncy chair into the bathroom, strapped the baby in and hopped in the shower. He amused himself very much with the the toys on the chair and didn't say a word until I was already dressed. The rest of the morning went as per usual. However...
I have embarked on a journey I am really not enjoying. I am trying to get X-man to sleep in his crib. His reaction: What the f*%$!!
The crying has been going on for 20 minutes now, I even attempted to pick him up and soothe him and he reacted as if I was the devil, and that is what I feel like right now. I know he won't hate me or remember this when he is older, I know that he will most likely eventually learn to sleep on his own, but with a holiday on the horizon in the near future, I need him to learn to sleep apart from me because we will not have the facility to sleep together. The cat definitely isn't enjoying hearing him cry, and my heart is breaking. Why do it then? Because, other than when he falls asleep in his car sear on the road, he is always in someone's arms. Now, that my grandma is gone, I can't afford to always have him in my arms, so I have to do something about it. I figured I'd blog and read other blogs while he screams and that would keep me busy.
Another 10 minutes later:
Ok, I gave in. I couldn't take it. I've taken him out of his crib. How am I going to do this?

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